Do You Want to Turn Your Self-Doubt into Confidence and Increase Your Salary by 10k-30k?

Apply for 1:1 Coaching

You're ambitious, smart, and educated.

Your parents sacrificed a lot for you to have a better life and yet you struggle with confidence and lack of fulfillment.

Despite your accomplishments, you are battling imposter syndrome and it prevents you from applying to higher paying jobs.

Despite your courage in some areas, negotiating for more money terrifies you.

Despite your good salary, you feel shame about wanting to make more money (even though it’s to do good things like help your family, pay off debt, and take care of your home).

Despite your resilience, your fear of failure is keeping you stuck.

Despite your talent and education, you keep thinking you need MORE education to feel qualified for another job (spoiler alert, you don’t).

Despite helping others, you rather suffer in silence than to ask people for help and be seen as a user.

Sound like you?

Apply For 1:1 Coaching

Now Imagine Yourself

Feeling confident about your strengths and what you bring to the table.

Making $10k - $30k more and helping your family, paying off debt, and providing for your home.

Applying to the higher-level roles you once thought you weren’t qualified enough for.

Communicating through conflict instead of people pleasing or avoiding.

Speaking up in meeting rooms even when it’s all white people.

Leading presentations with minimal anxiety.

Not letting fear of failure keep you small.

Can you imagine it?


Book a Call

You might be saying, "is this even possible Alejandra?"


Absolutely, it is.

I know this because I’ve been there.

I used to be a shy girl, too insecure to raise my hand in meetings or share my ideas. I was deeply fearful of saying something “dumb” and then looking dumb in front of my peers.

I resented groups of people that I thought were better than me, like extroverted people, white people, “good at math” people, etc.

I felt intimidated in predominantly white spaces and made myself small.

I struggled to acknowledge my own skills, strengths, and unique talents.

When it was time for me to lead presentations, I would lose sleep 2 days before and be riddled with nervousness.

My lack of confidence was costing me money! 

Now I actively voice my opinions, no matter what room I am in and lead with confidence.

I lead workshops, speak on panels, and get featured on podcasts. As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned to overcome my own imposter syndrome and insecurity to lead with confidence.

I’ve been there, and having gone through it, my goal is to help as many Latinas as I can get through this too.


The Confident Latina Leader Program 

A 6-month one-to-one coaching program 


As the number of Latinas in leadership rises, so does our ability to uplift future generations of Latinas. Do you want to be a confident Latina leader?

Inside this 6-month one-to-one Coaching program you will overcome imposter syndrome, boost your confidence by 50%, and increase your salary between 10k-30k by finally breaking into a higher level role!

When you make more, you can help more. 

When you land higher leadership roles, you can drive more impact.

This is about creating a movement of Latinas In Leadership - are you ready?

This isn’t some cookie cutter program, it’s personalized to YOU and your goals.

Apply for 1:1

The Confident Latina Leader Program Includes: 


Your Confidence Project* to finally break through to the next level in your career and increase your salary by $10k - $30k.

(24) 1:1 coaching sessions weekly to guide you through meltdowns, wins, and challenges so that you keep growing and never stay stuck. 

Leadership Frameworks & tools to teach you exactly what you need to know to build confidence and rise as a leader.

Assignments to help you apply tools and go beyond knowing what you need to do to actually doing what you need to do.

Accountability to keep you going even when you want to quit, because your dreams and the future you deserve it!


Gone are the days where you quit on yourself and look back only to realize nothing has changed in your career growth.

The benefits of my one-on-one coaching extend far beyond the coaching sessions themselves. 

You'll develop lifelong skills and insights that will continue to shape your leadership abilities, positively impacting your career trajectory and personal growth for years to come.

Investment: $5,000 - monthly payment plans available

You have helped me find...confidence in being myself

My life has changed so much and become so much sweeter since we started working together. You have helped me find internal peace, clarity in my thoughts, desires, and ambitions and confidence in being my genuine authentic self. I am constantly learning from you, gaining new perspectives, knowledge and becoming a better human being. - Paula P.

*What is The Confidence Project?

Your lack of confidence is the #1 reason you are not making more money. 

At the beginning of our 1:1 coaching program, we identify the #1 area where lack of confidence is hindering you from securing a higher-level (and higher paying) role and then we increase your confidence by 50%!

I created a Confidence Assessment to measure your starting point and we set a clear plan for building your confidence.

Through coaching, you overcome the challenge you've been struggling with for so long and we do it in 6-months (or less!).

6-months from now you can be freed of the insecurity, inner-critic, and self-doubt that is keeping you stuck in your career.

Confidence is the biggest reason why my clients don't apply to higher paying roles or negotiate their salary, 

Here are 3 examples of Confidence Projects my clients worked on.

1. Landing a promotion or higher-level role, with confidence.

➡ My client Jade went from job hopping laterally for yearsss to landing her first Director level role and increasing her salary even with a career change!

2. Leading in your new leadership role, with confidence.

➡ My client Natalie went from struggling with her confidence as a new principal to setting boundaries and staying calm even in chaotic moments.

3. Speaking Up, with confidence.

➡ My client Jackie went from staying quiet and confused in her new role to being outspoken, expressing her concerns, asking for clarification, and advocating for realistic deadlines.

Through our weekly coaching, my confidence project framework, confidence assessment, and leadership tools, you will have what you need to land a higher paying job. 

Are you ready to increase your confidence by 50% and land a higher paying role?


Yes, Book A Call.
I was able to increase my salary...and move up!

I broke the pattern of making lateral moves which were really rooted in imposter syndrome and feeling uncomfortable claiming a higher role. I was able to increase my salary, change career paths, and move up in my career! - Jade S.


Maybe You’re Thinking, "I’ve Never Hired a Coach Before"…

I understand how scary it can feel to find the right coach for you and invest in a coach.

TRUST ME, I get it. The first time I hired a coach I was filled with questions like:

"Am I making a mistake?"

"Who spends this much money?"

"I'm never telling my mom how much I spent on this."

"6 months is a LONG time!"

From my own experience and the experience of my client's, hiring a coach can be mixed emotions of excitement and guilt.

Who ever told us growing up that investing in ourselves was the best thing to do? I used to call that "white people shit."

Truth is, I am the first coach for most of my clients.

What I've learned is that investing in yourself is the secret sauce that entrepreneurs know is vital to their growth.

But this work doesn’t have to be exclusive to entrepreneurs.

YOU deserve growth too.
YOU deserve guidance too.
YOU deserve to have a strong mindset and work that is fulfilling.

And most importantly, YOU deserve to have the support you’ve been craving but never had for your professional life. 

Apply for 1:1
I was struggling with my confidence in my leadership role... 

I was struggling with my confidence to embrace my leadership [as a new school Principal] and through this I was able to get tools to process emotions, make sense of them, and work through the discomfort I was feeling. I am proud of my ability to stay calm in challenging moments. - Natalie M.




I never would have even applied if you did not make me realize that the only thing holding me back was myself. 

[Our] conversation had a huge impact on me. We talked about a job I wanted to apply for that I thought I’d be perfect for — the one with a great salary. 

After rounds of interviews…I GOT THE JOB!!! - KYLE D.